miƩrcoles, 28 de enero de 2009
miƩrcoles, 10 de diciembre de 2008
Hona hemen nik sortutako liburua
Interesgarria litzateke , nik sortutako liburu hau , gorren hizkuntzara pasatzea , ume hauek uler dezaten. Baina horretarako gorren hizkuntza menperatzen duen norbaiten laguntza behar dut .
EA NORBAIT ANIMATZEN DEN . Eta ea ume hauentzat zerbait dibertigarria lortzen dugun guztion artean .
Modu honetan , ume hauek ingelesa ikasiko lukete gorren hizkuntzan eta besteok ume hauen hizkuntza ikasiko genuke , beren mundura gehiago hurbilduz .
EA NORBAIT ANIMATZEN DEN . Eta ea ume hauentzat zerbait dibertigarria lortzen dugun guztion artean .
Modu honetan , ume hauek ingelesa ikasiko lukete gorren hizkuntzan eta besteok ume hauen hizkuntza ikasiko genuke , beren mundura gehiago hurbilduz .

The old curiosity shop
Once upon a time, an old man called John lived with his granddaughter Nelly in a small house in London. Below their house there was their shop where the grandfather worked. The shop was known as “The Old Curiosity Shop”.
Nelly was seven years old and she was a beautiful young girl. She had blond hair and big blue eyes. Her cheeks were soft like silk and pink like spring roses. She loved her grandfather who was very kind to her and did whatever he could to make her happy.
Although “The Old Curiosity Shop” was very small, we could find all kinds of games, books and toys there. But the problem was that they never had a customer. So they could not keep both, the house and the shop at the same time. Since the objects in the shop had to be clean and shiny, Nelly had to help her grandfather almost every day after school. Nelly dusted and cleaned the toys and the rest of the things with great care to make them colourful and attractive. Nevertheless nobody ever entered in the shop.
Grandfather: Nelly, I am worried because we are not selling anything; this month we have only sold some coloured pencils!
Nelly: Don’t worry, I am sure that soon things will change and we are going to sell a lot of things. ( she tried to encourage her grandfather)
Once upon a time, an old man called John lived with his granddaughter Nelly in a small house in London. Below their house there was their shop where the grandfather worked. The shop was known as “The Old Curiosity Shop”.
Nelly was seven years old and she was a beautiful young girl. She had blond hair and big blue eyes. Her cheeks were soft like silk and pink like spring roses. She loved her grandfather who was very kind to her and did whatever he could to make her happy.
Although “The Old Curiosity Shop” was very small, we could find all kinds of games, books and toys there. But the problem was that they never had a customer. So they could not keep both, the house and the shop at the same time. Since the objects in the shop had to be clean and shiny, Nelly had to help her grandfather almost every day after school. Nelly dusted and cleaned the toys and the rest of the things with great care to make them colourful and attractive. Nevertheless nobody ever entered in the shop.
Grandfather: Nelly, I am worried because we are not selling anything; this month we have only sold some coloured pencils!
Nelly: Don’t worry, I am sure that soon things will change and we are going to sell a lot of things. ( she tried to encourage her grandfather)

One day, Nelly came from school earlier and started helping his grandfather to order a lot of books which were on the shelves.
Nelly: Grandpa, look at this book, I have never seen it before! It’s title is the same as our shop!
Grandfather: OH! OH! I have been working here for a long time and I don’t remember seeing this book before either!
Nelly , was very curious to read the book, because she wanted to know why the book had the same name as the shop. So she opened the book. The moment she did so everything in the shop came alive and started moving. Nelly’s eyes opened wide and stayed like that for a long time.
Nelly: Look, look grandpa! This book is magic! The moment I opened it, the books started speaking! The coloured pencils walking and the bicycles jumping!
Grandfather: Really? I can’t believe my eyes!
Nelly: This is a great opportunity to make money grandpa! Because everybody is interested in seeing a shop whose objects are alive. Grandpa, I told you things were going to change, now we will be rich because everybody wants to buy something from our shop!
Grandfather. OH! That is marvellous!
Both of them became very happy when they saw the crowd of people behind the shop window. When the grandfather saw that, he rushed to the door, opened it and said.
Grandfather: Come in! Come in! You can enter to see the shop! WELCOME to “The Old Curiosity Shop”!
Nelly and her grandfather were very pleased because everybody bought something from the shop and they made a lot of money.
Nelly: Grandpa, look at this book, I have never seen it before! It’s title is the same as our shop!
Grandfather: OH! OH! I have been working here for a long time and I don’t remember seeing this book before either!
Nelly , was very curious to read the book, because she wanted to know why the book had the same name as the shop. So she opened the book. The moment she did so everything in the shop came alive and started moving. Nelly’s eyes opened wide and stayed like that for a long time.
Nelly: Look, look grandpa! This book is magic! The moment I opened it, the books started speaking! The coloured pencils walking and the bicycles jumping!
Grandfather: Really? I can’t believe my eyes!
Nelly: This is a great opportunity to make money grandpa! Because everybody is interested in seeing a shop whose objects are alive. Grandpa, I told you things were going to change, now we will be rich because everybody wants to buy something from our shop!
Grandfather. OH! That is marvellous!
Both of them became very happy when they saw the crowd of people behind the shop window. When the grandfather saw that, he rushed to the door, opened it and said.
Grandfather: Come in! Come in! You can enter to see the shop! WELCOME to “The Old Curiosity Shop”!
Nelly and her grandfather were very pleased because everybody bought something from the shop and they made a lot of money.

Unfortunately, one morning, the grandfather became ill and he couldn’t go to the shop because he had to rest in bed.
Nelly, had to open the shop herself but suddenly the shop became dark and the objects didn’t start moving or speaking. Children who visited the shop that day, were really disappointed to see everything dark and dull. Nothing moved, everything seemed so lifeless and quiet that children left the shop sadly.
Nelly was very upset and didn’t know how to tell the news to her grandfather. But she had to do it, because she was too young to deal with such a problem. Silently, she opened the door of her grandfather’ s room, trying not to disturb him in case he was sleeping, but he wasn’t.
Nelly: Grandpa, do you know what has happened?
Grandfather: No dear, tell me.
Nelly: But I don’t want to disturb you.
Grandfather: Go ahead! Tell me, I promise not to be upset.
Nelly: When I opened the shop door this morning everything went dark all of a sudden. Now nothing moves in the shop, the books don’t speak, the pencils don’t walk and the bicycles don’t jump. I think it all happened because you are ill, grandpa.
Nelly, had to open the shop herself but suddenly the shop became dark and the objects didn’t start moving or speaking. Children who visited the shop that day, were really disappointed to see everything dark and dull. Nothing moved, everything seemed so lifeless and quiet that children left the shop sadly.
Nelly was very upset and didn’t know how to tell the news to her grandfather. But she had to do it, because she was too young to deal with such a problem. Silently, she opened the door of her grandfather’ s room, trying not to disturb him in case he was sleeping, but he wasn’t.
Nelly: Grandpa, do you know what has happened?
Grandfather: No dear, tell me.
Nelly: But I don’t want to disturb you.
Grandfather: Go ahead! Tell me, I promise not to be upset.
Nelly: When I opened the shop door this morning everything went dark all of a sudden. Now nothing moves in the shop, the books don’t speak, the pencils don’t walk and the bicycles don’t jump. I think it all happened because you are ill, grandpa.

Then with tears in her eyes she looked at her grandfather waiting for an answer.
Grandfather: Oh Nelly! I am sure that when I fell better, everything is going to be like before. But now you have to look after me. Nelly, go to the doctor please and ask him to come for a visit.
The doctor came and after examining him he took out some medicine out of his black case, and gave it to the grandfather.
Doctor: You have to take this every four hours and you have to stay in bed until your fever goes down.
When the doctor went away, Nelly left his grandfather to have a rest. After a long time Nelly went back to see her grandfather.
Nelly: Are you feeling better grandpa?
Grandfather: Yes dear thank you. I feel much better now.
Suddenly, the shop became alive again and everything started moving like before. People returned enthusiastically to buy things from the shop. So Nelly and her grandfather earned enough money to live happily.
Grandfather: Nelly, I think we’ve been very lucky to find this magic book. However, we must learn a lesson from this incident. Members of a family should help and look after each other in difficult times.
Nelly: Yes grandpa, you will always have my help and we will be very happy!
Magic book: Children, I am the magic book: “The Old Curiosity Shop” and you have been reading me.
Grandfather: Oh Nelly! I am sure that when I fell better, everything is going to be like before. But now you have to look after me. Nelly, go to the doctor please and ask him to come for a visit.
The doctor came and after examining him he took out some medicine out of his black case, and gave it to the grandfather.
Doctor: You have to take this every four hours and you have to stay in bed until your fever goes down.
When the doctor went away, Nelly left his grandfather to have a rest. After a long time Nelly went back to see her grandfather.
Nelly: Are you feeling better grandpa?
Grandfather: Yes dear thank you. I feel much better now.
Suddenly, the shop became alive again and everything started moving like before. People returned enthusiastically to buy things from the shop. So Nelly and her grandfather earned enough money to live happily.
Grandfather: Nelly, I think we’ve been very lucky to find this magic book. However, we must learn a lesson from this incident. Members of a family should help and look after each other in difficult times.
Nelly: Yes grandpa, you will always have my help and we will be very happy!
Magic book: Children, I am the magic book: “The Old Curiosity Shop” and you have been reading me.
jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2008

Aurten, liburu bat sortu behar izan dugu ingelesez, umeei zuzenduta. Eta oso ideia polita iruditzen zait, haur gorrentzako liburuekin elkarlotuz, nire blogean aipatzea.
Nik sortutako ipuina ingeleseko literaturako, Charles Dickens - en obra batean oinarrituta dago baina nik nire bertsio propioa sortu egin dut.
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